Since the shell pillars themselves are very rich, it seems that they become even more delicacies even if you don’t overdo special ingredients or season them.
With savory leeks and mini tomatoes, it looks a little more filling. If you cook tomatoes together with butter, they add a subtle sweetness and become a delicacy.
Today, I made grilled kaibashira butter with the recipe of kaibashira cuisine, which is a delicacy with its savory taste and unique richness. It’s even more delicacies with its savory flavor. “If you choose a dry wine with medium body feeling among white wines, you will enjoy it even more.” Why don’t you have a glass of wine with grilled kaibashira butter on the evening of the weekend? I hope you enjoy today!
2] I will remove the stalk of the mini tomato and cut the green onions into small pieces and prepare them for the condiments.
[Simple wine snack recommendation]: Shellfish dish White wine snack::
If you thaw it, you’ll get this much water. If you plow the field with a spoon or strainer and drain it, it tastes better because it doesn’t produce much water when you grill it later.
3. Enjoy your meal!
Grilled shell-pillar butter, good for a white wine snack
4] Drain the prepared scallops and cook them one side at a time. At this time, please increase the firepower over a high heat.
3] Preheat the frying pan over medium heat for about 2 minutes and add 1 to half tablespoons of butter to melt.
The more you chew, the more savory and sweet it is, and the more rich it is, the more popular it is among small shellfish. Among them, scallops, which are harder and have a chewy texture, are also used as ingredients for sashimi and are considered popular ingredients because they taste superb even when cooked. Today, we prepared a wine snack recipe that is small but easy to complete with scallop shell columns. Grilled with butter, together with scallop shell-pillar butter-grilled recipe with even more savory flavor. I would like to introduce this recipe as a recommended menu for a simple wine snack.
5] When it’s almost cooked, I’ll add tomatoes and bake them for you.
2. Start cooking: Grilled kaibashira butter which is good as a snack for wine
1] First, reduce the amount of scallops you eat and thaw them before preparing. The day before I cooked, I transferred it from the freezer to a bowl, wrapped it, and thawed it naturally for about a day. Please use the microwave thawing mode when cooking early.
Butter is especially easy to burn, so I recommend you to cook it over medium and low heat.[Materials required for 1 serving] Frozen scallop meat 200g, 12 mini tomatoes, 1/2 scallions, 1T salt butter, 1tT pepper / 1tT/ tablespoon: Loose spoon 1/about 10mLt/ teaspoon 1/about 5mLC/cup: paper cup/about 200mL+Tip: 250mL more for Western measuring cups!
I think the deeper flavor will be added if it is grilled a little bit brown.It’s a small scallop column, so I’ll grill it for 2 minutes on each side.7] Finally, if you put the green onion of Matsutake mushroom on top and add flavor, you can recommend a simple wine snack, scallop shell butter-grilled!
The menu is very good with the white wine snack.6] Add 1 teaspoon pepper here and add flavor. I like it without seasoning it with salt butter. If you want to use normal unsalted butter or margarine, you can add salt to your taste.When I turned it upside down, it added a very brown color, didn’t it? Turn it upside down and cook for another 2 minutes.ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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2) 토마토와 파를 넣어 주시면 향긋한 향 이 더 해 져 서 더 맛 있 게 드 실 수 있 답 니 다 .1. Preparation of ingredients, savory and delicious shellfish, butter-grilledThe shell pillars, which are sticky, rich and flavorful, are certainly excellent in taste even in such a small size. I think it’s a good idea to try shell-pillar dishes sometimes as a delicacy and also as a protein charge.